- ▼ 2008 (672)
- ▼ December 2008 (28)
- 2008 - a year in review...
- Inglewood has some policing problems
- Opposition parties call for RCMP taser ban
- "Tasers are an outrage..."
- "Necessity" apparently depends on mood
- Tasers - the ugly truth...
- Out of the Fryingpan, and into the Fires of Hell
- A "Contributing Cause of Death"
- Taser's other Canadian PR firm: The RCMP
- RCMP to SECU: (well?)
- Police almost admit what Taser will not... can not...
- Are naked subjects that dangerous?
- Season's Greetings 2008
- Time's up...
- "sudden death following restraint"
- Compare and contrast - then think...
- "Contributed to, but didn't cause"
- Taser 'contributed to, but didn't cause' Dziekansk...
- Ouch...
- 'no charges' against police officers involved with...
- Manufactured when?
- Canadians 'dead set' against tasers
- Tasering diabetics - again...
- One week to go...
- Bernie, Bernie, Bernie...
- Some tasers more dangerous than expected
- QOTW .... tasered while sleeping
- ▼ November 2008 (31)
- Attention pro-taser fan boys...
- RCMP's deadline - 2 weeks and counting
- A quick note...
- Britain to embark on field safety test
- Police lawsuits against Taser
- "Playing around" with tasers...
- The 'facilitative effect' of tasers - actually hap...
- Exactly what "...lingers in the body..." ?
- YMBFFTT: Taser Training Impairs Judgment
- Welcome to new Aussie readers...
- Aussie CMC watchdog ravages taser-happy police
- Proving negatives and other logical errors
- Aussie police want tasers - "Now !!!"
- Deployment Type vs. Outcome (where is it?)
- Stench of 'Police State' associated with tasers
- "...by the hands of another..."
- One Month to RCMP's SECU deadline
- Alternative to the taser - a cigarette lighter?
- Science and skepticism vs. faith and certainty
- The 'facilitative effect' of tasers
- The Sault Star editorial
- Correction: Taser (-associated) Death story
- Taser excessive force $111,000 award upheld
- Predicting the obvious...
- Edmonton officer stands accused
- Compare (really) bad science to common sense
- Note carefully Taser's shrinking claims
- Taser's fundamental error
- Taser's French distributor loses libel case
- Alberta SG spouts irrational nonsense
- So the alternate conclusion is...?
- ▼ October 2008 (27)
- Taser wriggles free of majority of $6.2 judgment
- Another "coincidence"...
- Criminal Code of Canada s.269.1
- "Coroner says taser a factor in death"
- Cook County Medical Examiner's Office working over...
- Dziekanski Inquiry to begin on Monday
- Stoopid article of the month
- The strange case of Othello Pierre
- The tide has definitely started to turn
- Taser ineffective at least 5 times, uses car
- Disturbing keyword: "expert"
- Old and stale arguments...
- Police arrest head of French Taser stungun firm
- So, how bad is the training????
- Sgt. Mark Tonner, Vancouver police officer
- Taser distributor in France tries to muzzle electe...
- Hot winds of change blow in...
- Memo to police that skipped 'Civics' in Grade 6
- Up to end-September 2008
- It must just be a coincidence... {rolls eyes}
- Lawsuits here and there...
- Trading in tasers...
- More spin from Taser
- First hand report - argument results in torture
- Emotionally-disturbed patient 'subdued' with taser...
- The Simpsons a sad reflection of reality
- "Tasers Save Lives Everyday"
- ▼ September 2008 (35)
- Exactomundo comment of the week
- Tasers suck and everyone now realizes it...
- An evil and despicable trade-off
- Utter and complete bull-crap
- Oxygen shortage?
- Fake demos and the faking fakers that fake them
- Taser now part of medical assistance in NS?
- Tide turning even in the USA?
- According to Taser...
- A very very familiar pattern
- A very familiar pattern...
- CPRC makes massive oversight
- Lawful 'Force' - noun or verb?
- And exactly what would he have been looking for?
- Taser's latest argument... ...shredded
- Taser underpowered "training aide" ??!!??
- Post # 600 - look how far we've come
- RCMP, Toronto police treat tasers differently
- Taser mole spokespuppet still drooling lies
- Ah, yeah. Thanks for the help officers...
- More on The Report
- Report _SLAMS!!!_ RCMP over tasers
- I told you that the taser training was bad...
- Enough corporate spin to make you dizzy
- Tasered, turned blue, died later => lawsuit
- Houston, we have several problems...
- "Tasers save money" - oops...
- Dirty hands and a filthy mouth
- About that taser emu story
- Former RCMP head: 'I think we should stop using [t...
- "Police: Man starts to chew off own head, saved by...
- Aussie cops lack tasers, shoot man (sort-of)
- Taser-associated deaths plotted by month
- The Cowards of Broward County
- ▼ August 2008 (62)
- "...saved suicidal (drunk) man's life..."
- 6 taser shocks "may have contributed to his death"...
- The fundamental issue...
- Three headlines...
- The Rockford Files
- Tasers are what's 'off the rails'
- Are you smarter than a 5th grader?
- Taser spin: the weapon versus the shocks it emits
- A tool unlike any other
- 34 and Ho prove almost nothing
- DRDC pulls plug on non peer reviewed CPRC taser "s...
- The invisible arrow of death
- 'Police taser prehistoric remains'
- "Tasers save money" - LOL
- The latest news from Digby
- Does this count as lying?
- Blog policies
- 'High'? Nobody said anything about 'high'.
- IPICD, LAAW, Micheal Brave & "Excited Delirium"
- Every now and then, something hilarious...
- Winnipeg police want to control the video
- Cannibalism is right out too...
- Taser-free schools in Uniontown, PA
- TASR stock skyrockets on GE buy-out rumour
- Comment moderation enabled
- Offering an olive branch in Olive Branch - NOT!
- Orange County Coppers
- Canadians speak...
- I can see ... t h e ... f u t u r e ...
- Stun guns in criminal's hands...
- Snip, snip, snip...
- The RCMP very concerned about the RCMP
- Attn: Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police
- RESTRAINT - Risk of Death in Subjects That Resist
- Frontline police want Flame-Throwers
- A taser in action...
- Victoria's Chief will not be attending conference
- We cower behind our propaganda
- Assault Mountie is certified Taser trainer !!??!!
- "...cardiac arrest caused by the taser..."
- Change 'BACK' to 'FAKE' in 4 steps (again)
- Platinum Sponsor of Death
- Did somebody say "Instrument of Torture" ???
- "...homicide by Taser..."
- RCMP guilty of assault with taser
- Well, here's one counter example...
- Simple question
- Turn around and try again
- Apparently there are no legal limits...
- Taser Touch-Torture mode is still 'torture'
- Check your training !!
- Quote of the day
- Stinger Systems in Canada
- "just a tool...", along with jack-boots
- "Taser save money" vs. $2M lawsuit
- The sound of silence (from medical examiners)
- Stunned stun gun owners
- Injuries vs. Death
- Strawman half-defeated
- Taser suing coroners - the vile background
- Taser-proximal deaths by month
- Tasers as self-defence - counter measures
- ▼ July 2008 (63)
- 'Plain Clothes' RCMP vs. off-duty HRM-PD
- "...was communicating loudly..."
- You want to give tasers to these folks?
- Angry e-mob at Digg reacts to idiot police
- 'But it's better than a gun' - another angle
- The Proof Issue again
- Taser death case heads to grand jury
- That's why it's not their decision
- "...dispel and address various myths..."
- Mr. Cormier lays it out...
- More FAKE taser demos
- Guns vice tasers
- Mom knows best
- Canadian lawyers see The Big Picture
- Taser loses Saskatchewan
- The Big Picture (hint: it's not the knife)
- The answer is 'yes'
- Inexplicable and despicable
- What are the odds? (Winnipeg data)
- Taser makes loss, stock plummets, blames oil
- Compare and contrast
- More details emerging about Winnipeg taser death
- Winnipeg - more details
- Explain: Nearly instant cessation of neuromuscular...
- A question...
- Officer may face criminal charges in Tasered-to-de...
- Taser-proximal death in Winnipeg
- Out of control taser torture
- The Dangers of Repeated Taser Hits
- The Brotherhood of Silence
- Tasered-to-death while black, plus the lies
- "Non-Lethal" still kicking around
- Taser C2 review
- Consumer tasers and criminals with murderous inten...
- Cause and (sometimes delayed) effect
- How tasers are actually used...
- So who is pushing 'Excited Delirium'?
- Half-way through July 2008...
- Houston - we have a problem.
- Nova Scotia newspaper calls for moratorium
- "...the low power taser..."
- Tasered 9 times and died (ruled a homocide)
- Unspecified 'Natural Causes'
- Nova Scotia moves to restrict tasers
- Dying from 'excited delirium'
- Podcast regarding Taser's legal butt-kicking
- Darryl Turner - two misleading stories...
- It only takes one...
- Sucks to be Taser
- 'Use of tasers should be more restricted'
- "Acute ventricular dysrhythmia and ventricular fib...
- Do you believe in Santa Claus?
- Karma revisited
- Another American dies after being tasered
- $145M lawsuit bumped to $155M
- OPP ignores taser-inquiries' recommendations
- Law professor fails to see 30 seconds into future
- 2008 June = holding steady at 7/month
- Discrepancy of the Day
- 'Police One' exposes bias
- Riverside CA, $2.4M on stun guns, gun fire deaths ...
- Corporate approaches compared
- Thesis - odds of being correct: '1-in-a-million'
- ▼ June 2008 (105)
- AMA to study tasers
- Unabashed taser fan-boy on NIJ panel
- Billo talks of 'naked skinny guys'
- NIJ findings are not '1-in-a-million'
- Billo the blogger
- Canadian law regarding 'Drive-Stun' mode
- How is TASR stock doing recently?
- Tasering an elderly man - six times
- Criminal Code of Canada on Firearms (incl tasers)
- Canada Firearms Centre on tasers
- Tasers are 'Prohibited Firearms' in Canada
- 'I hope you don't get tasered'
- Abstracts of Two Humans
- Misadventures in nomenclaturism
- A disturbing look inside Canadian prisons
- 'Tasers prevent (a) suicide'
- Taser investors tasered again
- NIJ: 'Safe. Except for you & you & you & you...'
- RCMP watchdog vows to encourage action
- TASR sets new multi-year low in after hours tradin...
- Looking for 'proof' in all the wrong places (2)
- Deju vu - all over again - a 4th (or 5th?) time
- Some strange "people"
- Rearranging the furniture
- Certainty du jour
- "The next revolution will be televised"
- Tasers and drugs
- Birmingham, AL city council votes for moratorium
- Canada #21 - updated
- 23 June 2004
- 'Protecting life', and knocking over Wal*Mart
- An interesting question...
- YouTube meltdown coming soon...
- Tip: Searching this blog...
- Related blogs
- Interesting letters to The Toronto Star
- Making a mountain out of a Weighill
- Demand for tasers tied to unacceptable usage patte...
- Setting the goal post: a 95% reduction
- Prediction: zero tolerance
- Editorials (20 June 2008) - updated
- The small problem of the 11-to-1 ratio...
- Tasers will be banned...
- SECU also issued a report yesterday
- Taser fails to stun wee feisty terrier dog
- International Media notes Kennedy's report
- Interactive graphic: RCMP Taser use by province
- Another comment by Excited-Delirium.com
- TASR tasered
- RCMP promise to MORE-OR-LESS adopt recommendations...
- E-D straightens out NP's John Turley-Ewart
- "Combative" - a likely loophole
- RCMP Watchdog issues final report
- 'Excited Delirium' defined
- The winning argument in brief
- 'righteously indignant'
- More details from the winning team
- Correction: Police make no recommendations about c...
- CBC has slightly incorrect headline
- RCMP Watchdog to release final report
- RCMP Watchdog initiates complaint (!)
- TASR stock plumbs new depths
- BC police chiefs' worst fears realized
- Gray's death caused by 'method of restraint' (tase...
- Grasping for excuses extends to drinking
- NYC takes a cautious approach
- 'Getting Tased' on Truth...Not Tasers
- NY Daily News runs the numbers
- "incapacitation" - another big lie exposed
- Inexplicable recommendation
- Multiple shocks...
- Wool slightly pulled over Colby Cosh's eyes
- Training Injuries go uncompensated
- Common sense arriving into the debate
- Day's Delay
- For those that don't follow the stock market
- Stupidly-flawed and obsolete 'force continuum'
- Taser Use Policies (even bad ones) are ignored...
- A convenient 'Pain Compliance' technique, or just ...
- Who is Bernie Kerik?
- The Six Million Dollar Man
- Statement from Stinger Systems...
- TASR stock plummets
- Canadian MPs to recommend tasers be restricted
- Houston's taser spree
- More on the $6.2M judgment
- Welcome new readers
- Liability flowed down to Taser
- More details on Taser's legal loss
- World's most pleasant and patient police officer
- Unnecessary taser deployments
- Malfunctioned vs. No Effect
- Taser's smug smile wiped from its face
- Highlighting some of the policy flaws
- Stock options handed out like candy
- What's the simplest explanation?
- Orange County Grand Jury calls for taser limits
- Taser wins one - but not for the Gipper
- "...faced the deputy..." to facing Occam's razor
- Excited Delirium "training"
- 793 story comments !!!
- Up to end-May 2008
- More from Dr. Dorian
- Risk / 33,279,000
- Beware experts outside their range of expertise
- ▼ May 2008 (130)
- 15 second time limit ?
- Taser's [OTHER] PR man in Ottawa
- "...vulnerable period of the heart cycle..."
- Minister of Public Safety appears before SECU
- Police taser man suffering diabetic seizure
- Dziekanski - restraint asphyxia?
- RCMP swallows 'Excited Delirium' theory
- Taser used in (non)armed robbery
- $145M lawsuit
- RCMP tasered disabled men
- Taser has a great day - stock drops
- Many good reasons for a moratorium
- Taser's PR man in Ottawa
- Taser - used for pain compliance
- Reilly's presentation includes ancient data
- So, exactly how bad is the training?
- What's different about the X26?
- Taser's Black Swan
- Summarizing Chambers
- Maneuvering for a legal 'soft-landing'?
- Dr. Chambers gently deflates Taser's studies
- Smith's presentation to Braidwood Inquiry
- Half of Canadians want taser moratorium
- Victoria's taser use 3.8x Toronto's
- Trained? Or mis-trained?
- Insurance...
- Taser cures cancer - stock plummets
- Remember this?
- Pass it on...
- We are all unique - like snowflakes
- I wonder...
- Track the Training
- Let's renormalize the 1.4%
- In-house so-called police 'experts'
- 'Tasers can contribute to a sudden death'
- Manitoba set to join upward curve
- Traceable back to Taser
- The new math...
- '1.4%' death rate vs. "Safer than Tylenol"
- The view from the handbasket, enroute to hell
- Bad Training = Bad Outcomes
- Taser's credibility questioned
- Epileptic teenager tasered 12 times (July 07)
- Tasers - seemed like a good idea at the time...
- Arrest the suspect, not his heart...
- 2003 - Taser's letter to Brattleboro
- Video/Audio Recording option
- Supposed symptoms
- Editorials
- No such medical term
- Falling Down and Alcohol Withdrawal
- Brattleboro cuts another cheque
- Victoria Police Taser Policy fails the sanity chec...
- Guesstimated Spectrograms
- NewsFlash
- Air bags and air head
- 4000 / 70 = 57, not 20.
- Canadian police brainwashed by Taser
- Taser's campaign of lies
- Taser Conflicts of Interest approved by Chief
- c. 400BC: 'First - do no harm'
- BC Taser Policy - all over the map
- Victoria Police Board approves CRIMINAL Taser Use ...
- Propaganda versus technical details
- Zero for two?
- Change 'BACK' to 'FAKE' in 4 steps
- Tom-foolery and word-Smithing happened
- Open message to J. Patrick Reilly
- Smith on the complex issue of falling down
- 12 May 2008: Taser blinks
- Did he actually say that?
- More than 14 million years - or something like tha...
- 19/13ths, the Bell Curve, and Safey Margin
- "...medical history..."
- Taser - an ideal weapon...
- Scratch the surface and hold your nose...
- Taser-associated deaths in Canada by month
- What they say isn't always the complete truth...
- Dr. Tseng guts Taser
- Go in on Monday with your eyes open...
- Reilly's "complicating factors" = rubbish
- Monday should be interesting...
- "Taser shock can be deadly"
- Total cost of ownership
- Dudley dingbats taser elderly man
- What's the "Taser taser taser" death rate?
- Denominator washing
- Tom-foolery and word-Smithing
- Welcome to our new VIP guests
- Guests coming - tidy up a bit...
- Open e-mail to: Abuse@Cox.com
- "Dave Z" finally reacts
- Hands up Mr. "80%"
- 'Psychiatrists in blue' - treatment in red
- An important question..
- The difficulties...
- "Independent Studies" vs. "Independently funded st...
- #2 for May 2008
- How to win friends and influence findings
- "Lubbock settles Taser death suit for $49,000"
- "Independent Studies"
- Slip slidin' away...
- Tasers not tested
- The French Connection
- Webster is being ignored
- SECU has corrected the evidence
- Did the world move for you?
- NP - 'A fresh look at Tasers'
- How low is low?
- The karma factor
- Another expert opinion
- 'Expert opinions' versus reality
- Jonathan Kay on the CMAJ Taser study
- The month of May is tragically on track
- Public inquiry into Taser use begins on Monday
- The 2008 Taser Challenge
- Found on the web
- Forgetting Fourier are we ?
- Taser's warning shot to medical examiners
- Gedanken
- Top Mountie Bill Elliott tasered
- Latest National Post comment
- Taser makes (up) history
- Trend - Canadian Style
- Trend... to end-April 2008
- Kroll's mole-role trolls
- CMAJ Editorial 'body-slams' Taser and tasers
- "Tasering could affect heartbeat..."
- Interesting article...
- ▼ April 2008 (49)
- Some recent key posts...
- Very Interesting... But Stupid !
- SECU Evidence - a 'Must Read'
- Are they spinners?
- It is certainly more 'democratic'...
- Why is this blog called "Excited-Delirium" ??
- Safety Margin: "15-to-1" and all that...
- $1.2 million here, $1.19 million there
- CEO Smith agrees with Excited-Delirium.com
- Usage creep - or just plain creepy usage?
- Something I've noticed...
- "In critical condition..." - a tragic update...
- The 'Use of Force' Continuum - OBSOLETE
- Prediction...
- TASR: Earnings double, but stock tanks
- Looking for 'proof' in all the wrong places
- What are the odds?
- This extract says it all...
- Headline of the Day
- Objective Reasonableness - did you get the memo?
- Another nice summary...
- Taser takes skeptical M.E. to court
- Then resign...
- In critical condition - from "Excited Delirium"?
- PR at its least subtle
- Safety Standard IEC xx479-1
- Choose one: tasers or respect
- Q: Which is more dangerous: M26 or X26?
- "Hamilton police shot and killed dozens last year....
- B.C. Transit Police making their mark on history
- Duty-cycle of 19 Hz component = 100%
- Trend... is there a problem?
- Attn SECU: a call for CSA to get involved
- "Tasers are violent, dangerous instruments..."
- Small things amuse small minds
- 151 mA RMS - Is that info coming or going ?
- Common sense - if you knock it perhaps you lack it...
- Drug addicts - get past the image, use logic
- UPDATE: Schizophrenia Society position
- If you like sausage, best not to see it being made...
- "... far preferred to a gun..." If only. Dream o...
- Misled and apparently unaware
- Weapon of choice? Why not start with 'Respect'.
- The view from New Zealand
- Truth or Dare
- The two primary issues in a few well-chosen words
- Taser fanboys: Justify this...
- Quebec Public Security Minister two-thirds correct...
- Taser X26 specs again...
- ▼ March 2008 (56)
- Recommending policy - what's the truth ????
- Deserves a six-figure settlement (minimum)
- Lack of evidence - choose your words carefully
- Coroners being sued
- New math: 30% equals 65%
- Compare and contrast
- Laugh-A-Minute
- Googling 'IEC 479-1'
- Mr. Smith goes to Ottawa (30 Jan. 2008) - Transcri...
- Death rate estimated - feel free to provide rebutt...
- More on the tragic Turner incident
- 'News & Record' tells it like it is...
- Taser spokespuppet drawn-and-quartered
- Propaganda is apparently working in some cases...
- "Excited Delirium" - puhleeze, it's a crap excuse....
- Updated summary
- Time to remind RCMP who pays their salaries...
- Otto Zehm
- Does everyone understand this starting point?
- Sounds like an expensive process...
- Understatement of the week
- How tasers save money...
- The human-equivalent of a cat up a tree
- Medical Advisory Board Chair in conflict of intere...
- Taser sets or recommends taser-use policies
- You've been misled...
- Two headlines...
- It takes time to come to terms with the truth...
- "...14 examples in the past five years..."
- "Man's death possibly caused by taser"
- Joke of the Day - TASR
- ACLU-NC responds to Taser propaganda
- Taser "...Use Policies supplied by..." Taser
- ACLU-NC Report: The Stun Gun Fallacy...
- Paper: Taser-Induced Myocardial Capture
- Taser idiot spokespuppet 'Dave' is still going...
- TASR closes under $10 (again)
- Seems pretty clear to me...
- Is it a small problem, or a big problem?
- Swine of all sorts - including the 2-legged variet...
- French Taser vendor slapped, ordered to pay Amnest...
- “It would be great to get as many copies back as w...
- Delaware - Unauthorized 'Taser' use to be a felony...
- Next Canadian government comments on present
- Just 'cause and just effect
- Halifax newspaper editorial
- "You won't find them..." Really? UPDATE
- RCMP in Nova Scotia regularly taser unarmed drunks...
- Police say they use Tasers on non-violent people
- Charming - oh so charming...
- Civilian taser provides 90- [30-?] second mode...
- Interesting case...
- "You won't find them..." Really?
- Medical Researchers unaware of rate of misuse
- The inertia of illogic
- Insider sell-off continues...
- ▼ February 2008 (22)
- Okie Medical Examiner stuns Philosophers
- Why does the taser encourage misuse?
- Taser-training vs. Ottawa 'Use of Force' Training
- File under category: 'No sh_t, Einstein!'
- SEC expects brutal honesty
- More Q&A for Mr. Smith
- Well? Lawful force - noun or verb?
- Advice for TASR investors
- News Clipping versus Google News Alerts
- RCMP open to changing taser policies
- BC AG contemplates tasers...
- Short & sweet summary
- Real scoop on Tasers un-buried
- What exactly would you be looking for?
- Lakeside Leader - a great article...
- Not even good lies...
- SECU meeting minutes released...
- Will Taser issue a press release on this one?
- Proper (?) Procedures
- ▼ January 2008 (64)
- CBC News documentary
- Mr. Smith goes to Ottawa (obsolete M26 studies)
- Mr. Smith goes to Ottawa (on exhaustion)
- Mr. Smith goes to Ottawa (on 15:1 safety margin)
- Mr. Smith goes to Ottawa (on 'camera' batteries)
- Pigs vs. Humans & M26 vs. X26
- Absence of Evidence vs. Evidence of Absence
- Mr. Smith goes to Ottawa (30 Jan. 2008) - formal m...
- High Taser Usage Stirs Controversy
- Tasering people in medical distress
- Mr. Smith goes to Ottawa (30 Jan. 2008)
- Bruce Culver, Independent Director
- Another comment that is a good summary
- 5 little words...
- My 'National Post' comment
- Next up - Parliamentary Committee
- Reports from the Taser Dog&Pony Show
- Taser stock closes under $10
- Well? Any reports from Toronto?
- Minnesotan shot with Taser dies
- Taser Chairman Smith in T.O. Thurs 17 Jan. '08
- Young (probably healthy) man tasered and dies
- Questions for Thomas P. Smith, Chairman of Taser
- How cozy - Taser and Toronto Police, lovey dovey
- Unbelieveable attitude - considering the events of...
- Regarding "a Pre-existing Medical Condition"
- X26 vice M26
- On the subject of RF emissions...
- Canadian Police Research Centre
- Charming... (it never seems to end...)
- Must be painful to be sitting on the fence like th...
- Late-2007 - an observation
- Charming... (it continues...)
- Charming...
- A review of where we are at this point...
- Lawful 'force' is a noun, not a verb...
- Criminal Code of Canada - on 'torture' (analysis)
- Criminal Code of Canada - on 'torture' (cut & past...
- By the way, are the Taser products FCC & IC approv...
- IEC 479-1 applicable to Taser X26 ???
- Ratio of 'use' to 'misuse' indicates the falsehood...
- On the subject of "...continuous duty cycle..."
- Taser of the (not Stockwell*) Day blogs
- Some taser-abuse examples all gathered up...
- UK News...
- Significant DC Component in Taser X26 Waveform...
- Holy Sh_t !!!!
- Taser misses the point...
- Nice report - A Jolting of Reality
- Frequency Components
- RCMP fail to fully-adopt Kennedy Report
- Ruggieri Report
- Update to: Number of Shocks ('one' = 95)
- Proposal - Take the 2008 Taser Challange
- Random Links
- Attention Taser-wanks - follow the link...
- Please pass the 'Smoking Gun'
- Oh my... a goldmine...
- Taser 'settles' lawsuit for $20M
- New Year's Summary
- Another flaw in their logic...
- More flaws in the logic...
- Taser testing versus taser actual usage
- IEEE Spectrum - How a taser kills
- ▼ December 2008 (28)